Sunday, August 8, 2010


Found a great new website called It's a non-selling way for crafters and artists to showcase their work. Really awesome idea, and beautifully put together in my opinion. Go check it out. 

As for myself, I've been busy carving and throwing and glazing and loading kilns. My schedule as of late is wake up, make some pottery, eat, make some pottery, eat, make some pottery, and so on. Exercise should really be my other priority right now, but for some reason pottery and eating is much more appealing at the moment. 

My newest obsession is completely carved bowls. I've been making berry bowls for a while, which includes a few carvings around a bowl, and handles to hold when you wash your berries. These new bowls can be used to wash fruit, but in my mind they're more for displaying fruit, or to be used as a centerpiece on a coffee table. I love to carve the pieces I make on the wheel, so carving an entire piece seemed like a logical way to maximize my happiness =). They're alot of work, but I think they're worth it in the end. Check back soon for a picture of my finished product. 

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