Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's my favorite holiday!!

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday ever! Because I'm in such a good mood and already way too full from just thinking about all the holiday food, The Honey Pot Shop will be running a 4 days sale on Etsy! Starting on Black Friday the 26th and going through Cyber Monday the 29th everything in my shop will be discounted by 10%. Use the coupon code ITSTURKEYTIME and receive your discount.

If Etsy isn't your thing, and you'd rather place a custom order I will also be offering that 10% discount to anyone who places a custom order between the 26th and the 29th. Take advantage of this great holiday offer while it lasts!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's that time of year..

Orders are coming in fast! Make sure to place your Honey Pot Shop order for the holidays. Berry bowls make a great host gift, and soup mugs make those cold nights a little warmer. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blog Interview

About a week ago by complete accident, or fate, I met a wonderful woman named Angee who puts together an amazing blog called Creative Class. The blog highlights artists from all over the country and gives you a little peak into their lives and their art. After a little talking back and forth, and a quick peak at my Etsy shop, Angee asked me to do an artist interview! Here's the interview link..

While your reading my interview make sure to check out and start following Angee's blog!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait..

The Honey Pot Shop was featured on the front page of Etsy! For those of you who know how Etsy works, this is a pretty big accomplishment. It takes hard work, good pictures, and A LOT of luck. I've been working my butt off at making sure my Etsy site is up to par, so it's good to know that hard work pays off, even if it takes a little while.

I've also been working hard at making some new pieces..

Check the website for more products and updates!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great News!

Got some great news this morning.. I've been listed in an amazing blog!

Go to and look under the "beautiful things" section on the right hand side of the page. You'll see my colorful wine catcher/candle holder..

Thanks so much for the listing Laura!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Sometimes, a horrible day can turn around in an instant. Sometimes, a bad mood can be made better by one word. A few days ago I was feeling a little down on my luck. Ever have one of those days where nothing seems to be going right? It seems like on those days it starts out with one thing and then turns into 100 others.

Getting to my point.. I was definitely having one of those days, and with one phone call the whole day turned around. I got a call from a gallery that houses some of my work telling me that I had an excellent month and sold some of my berry bowls! From that moment on, the whole day seemed to brighten. The bottom line is that just because your day starts out crappy, doesn't mean it has to end like that...

Finally pictures of my fully carved bowl!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Found a great new website called It's a non-selling way for crafters and artists to showcase their work. Really awesome idea, and beautifully put together in my opinion. Go check it out. 

As for myself, I've been busy carving and throwing and glazing and loading kilns. My schedule as of late is wake up, make some pottery, eat, make some pottery, eat, make some pottery, and so on. Exercise should really be my other priority right now, but for some reason pottery and eating is much more appealing at the moment. 

My newest obsession is completely carved bowls. I've been making berry bowls for a while, which includes a few carvings around a bowl, and handles to hold when you wash your berries. These new bowls can be used to wash fruit, but in my mind they're more for displaying fruit, or to be used as a centerpiece on a coffee table. I love to carve the pieces I make on the wheel, so carving an entire piece seemed like a logical way to maximize my happiness =). They're alot of work, but I think they're worth it in the end. Check back soon for a picture of my finished product.