Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A New Attitude

Just got home from my business class (which is really more of a motivational life class that I'm completely obsessed with), and now I'm hysterically crying from watching The Biggest Loser (and yes, I know this makes me a loser as well but I'm proud of it!) Anyway, just got word about the craft fairs and here's the lineup for November:
~ This Saturday October 31st (Halloween) I will be at the Teaneck Armory Flea Market and Craft & Collectible Show (Fundraiser for the Nicole Fund) held at Teaneck Armory on the corner of Teaneck Rd & Liberty Rd. in Teaneck, NJ (9-5)
~ Sunday November 8th I will be at the Pascack Valley Rotary Club Holiday Craft Show held at 701 Ridgewood Road, Westwood Regional High School in Washington Township, NJ (10-4)
~ November 14th Bergen County Court House Lot Flea Market and Craft & Collectible Show (Fundraiser for the Hackensack Chamber of Commerce) held at the Bergen County Court House Lot, 10 Main Street Hackensack, NJ (9-5)
~ Friday November 20th from 5-9 PM Holiday Vendor's Boutique at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 35-01 Morlot Ave. Fair Lawn, NJ

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Change of Plans..

So the craft fair I blogged about last week won't be happening anymore. Little mix up with the event planners. However, I do have two other options I'm waiting on and hopefully I'll have a definite answer this week. Either one will be in the same general place as the last one so if you were planning to attend you can hopefully still stop by! Will update soon with definite details. Thanks for following!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Next Show Coming Faster Then You (or I) Think..

Next craft fair is coming soon! My next fair will be in Livingston, NJ on November 1st which is about a week and a half away (shocked?.. tell me about it..) I've been working my butt off to make some new pieces for the show and can't wait! Some much deserved rest (and some apple and pumpkin picking =)) is on my calender for the next few days while my pieces dry. In the meantime, go to my etsy page and take a look at some new stuff i've put up there! thehoneypot.etsy.com

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yankees, stop sucking.

After the Giants horrificness yesterday (and yes i know horrificness isn't a word but it applies), the yanks better win this game (and yes... i know they already won two and it doesn't really mater.. but for my sanity it does).. Been in my bat cave all day carving and trimming pots.. hopefully loading a kiln tomorrow. <3

Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Etsy Items!

When did winter get here?? I'm in about 9 sweatshirts right now which is a little hard to work on the wheel with. I could of sworn it was autumn but I'm clearly mistaken. Anyway, just added some new stuff to etsy, including my FAVORITE blue berry bowl that I'm going to have a hard time parting with =). Check it out and stay tuned for more!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hey guys. Just an FYI, i'm currently doing alot of craft shows and street fairs around the tri-state area and therefore am constantly taking things off and putting new things up on my etsy site. So if you see something one day and not the next, the piece has most likely gone to a craft fair goer. I have alot of new stuff coming out of the kiln however, so keep checking back because new things go up all the time!

New On The Block

The Honey Pot Shop just finished up at the Crafts in Chelsea street fair!

PS 11 partnered with The {NewNew} - a local NY Metro group of Etsy Sellers, to close 21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, and host Crafts in Chelsea on October 17 from 10 to 5pm. A fall handmade delight of the finest handmade arts and crafts the New York Metro are has to offer. From elegant jewelry to unique upcycled handbags, to cutting edge fashions, artwork, and more! All handmade within the New York Tri-state region.

If you didn't make it, stay tuned because we'll be coming to your town soon!